Series of adventure…

There had been so many adventures that I’ve been experiencing lately in the wedding and portrait world that i can’t wait to share with you all. Weddings, newborn portraits, e-sessions, album design, maternity portraits posts are all coming up… meanwhile, while all of these are getting processed, i just want to share some images of two most important people in my life- my wife and son.

They complete me.

One of the blessings that we as a family have (that i am thankful for everyday) is my ability to document life as it happens beautifully. He are a few we’ve taken recently.

Jacob at 7 months.
Charleston Wedding Photographers Virgil Bunao Series of adventure...

Charleston Wedding Photographers Virgil Bunao Series of adventure...

Courtney and Jacob.
Charleston Wedding Photographers Virgil Bunao Series of adventure...

A recent family portrait…taken by my assistant, Calvin Wendlandt.
Charleston Wedding Photographers Virgil Bunao Series of adventure...

Until next time- V