Kelly and Graham decided to have an intimate wedding on the beach at Folly in September. The weather was just perfect, so as everything else- the decor, the event. The wedding itself was nothing short of magical. Kelly looked absolutely amazing, so amazing that Graham fought so hard not to cry as Kelly walked towards him during the ceremony.
I truly truly truly enjoyed photographing Kelly and Graham’s wedding. The whole setting was just beautiful. The light was gorgeous. Kelly and Graham was just perfect for each other. They were fantastic to work with. I didn’t have to work to hard in taking their photographs because for one, they look amazing already, and 2, they were very affectionate towards each other (and not to mention, emotional that day), so i just let the story unfold in front of me and capture them, moment by moment.
To Kelly and Graham, thank you for giving me a glimpse into the beautiful life and world you had made of each other. I will forever be grateful of your trust in me. I wish you many blessings and love and happiness in your new journey.
And here are the highlights…
For the slideshow, click here
Much love and many blessings,
Virgil Bunao
Charleston Wedding Photographer