There’s so many exciting things lately at CVI that I need to write and brag about. Nothing tops this one.July 18 (or right around that date) Courtney (my wife) and I anxiously went to the drug store to purchase a pregnancy test. Yep, we were trying to get pregnant. We decided that we were going to try in Hawaii while vacationing.When we returned back to the house, Courtney did the test. Because we were so anxious, neither really of us at first wanted to look at the result from the test thingy . Courtney volunteered me to do it. I was clueless what to look for. Back in the day, they had some code. Blue means yes, and red or yellow or some color means no. Well, by reading the instructions I learned to just look for the word “Pregnant”.So I went. And the blue pregancy test thingy simply read, “Pregnant”.Lord and behold, WE ARE PREGNANT. Woodaloooo!!!! We were jumping with joy and some tears when we saw the result. And so we took some pictures of our mini-celebration dance and act. Ivory (our pal) even got excited about the news.Here are some pix from that night.There are so many things to blog about, but I wanted to share this with you. I am going to be a father. And tomorrow I will meet with my child. We go to our Ultrasound appointment and see some pictures of the baby inside Courtney’s womb. I am very excited. Nothing excites me more this week than tomorrow’s appointment because we will discover the gender of our baby. Wow!Some people say we are lucky. I believe we are blessed. I don’t consider myself lucky. I see myself as blessed.Life is beautiful. What do you have to be depressed about?’til next time, much blessings…Virgil BunaoCharleston Wedding Photographer