Miracle League


Charleston Wedding Photographers Virgil Bunao Miracle League  Charleston Wedding Photographers Virgil Bunao Miracle League

“If service is the rent you pay for your existence on this earth, are you behind in your rent?” I read this somewhere and it hit home. Today’s post is something really special to me. This story has touched me in so many different ways i can’t even explain it.
We don’t have a lot of money. Most of the time, we’re trying to make ends meet just like most families. And the only things we could donate to help people most of the time is our time and talent. Nothing makes me feel good about myself and about what i do than being able to donate my time and talent to people that need them.

One day in October, i came to one of the most inspiring baseball games i’ve ever been to- The Miracle League of Summerville.

The Miracle League of Summerville (SML) provide opportunities for children with disabilities to play Miracle League baseball, regardless of their abilities. It promotes community support and sponsorship of Miracle Leagues. It promotes the construction of special facilities that meet the unique needs of Miracle League players and their families. It also provides opportunities for children with disabilities to play.

We cannot change or cure the medical issues life has dealt disabled children.
What we can do is provide them with an opportunity to experience the joy
and benefits that come from playing our National pastime–baseball.

“Every child deserves the chance to play baseball.”

With that,,, here’s their story, one day in the fall,,,

Click Here

For more information on how you could help through volunteer work please visit their website by clicking here. They are also in need of donation to fund their projects so please please please make a donation. Even just $1 will make a different. You can make your donations on their website. It will literally take 5 minutes of your time. I get about 1000+ hits a month on this blog. If all of you donate at least $1, that’s $1000 that will help children achieve their dreams.

Their website is: http://www.summervillemiracleleague.org

“I absolutely believe in the power of tithing and giving back. My own experience about all the blessings I’ve had in my life is that the more I give away, the more that comes back. That is the way life works, and that is the way energy works.” – Ken Blanchard

much love and many blessings,
