Meet Lauren…

… from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, our new Associate Portrait Photographer/Studio Queen/Master Album Designer/Photo Processing Goddess here at CVI.

Charleston Wedding Photographers Virgil Bunao Meet Lauren...  Charleston Wedding Photographers Virgil Bunao Meet Lauren...  Charleston Wedding Photographers Virgil Bunao Meet Lauren...  Charleston Wedding Photographers Virgil Bunao Meet Lauren...

I will let Lauren tell you about herself during the next few days, but basically i just want to tell y’all there’s a new face, a voice and a new perspective in CVI world of blogging. We are very proud of Lauren. She started with us in October and she had come a long way and improved a lot. We are happy that she is giving us the opportunity to work with her and learn from her at the same time. Lauren is a fantastic person and I can’t wait for all of you to meet. If you want to say hey to Lauren, shoot her an email with you (at [email protected]) or give her a call at the studio- 843.832.4029.

Good luck Lauren!!! And congratulations!!!
